Traditional light bulbs VS CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamps)

Traditional light bulbs VS CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamps) Traditional light bulbs VS CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamps): 1.Economic benefit. While CFL bulbs cost more at first, they are actually less expensive in the long run because they last longer than incandescent bulbs. And since they consume about 60% less than incandescent bulbs, they can help cut down a substantial amount from your bills. Once you switch to them, you will see a noticeable change in your expenses. 2. Efficiency. It is said that CFLs are up to 400% more efficient than incandescent bulbs. This means that you can replace your 100-Watt incandescent bulbs with 22-watt CFLs for the same amount of light, with less energy used. 3. Versatility. With the versatility of CFLs, you can use them in any setting that you would with incandescent bulbs. Also, they come in various sizes and shapes that they can be used for table lamps, recessed fixtures, ceiling lighting and track lighting. There are even 3-way CFLs that offer more versatility. 4. Impact on the environment. Switching to these lights will allow you to do your part in reducing carbon emissions, where just a single bulb is said to reduce half a ton of this gas in the atmosphere. All Uncategorized Traditional light bulbs VS CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamps) Uncategorized Traditional light bulbs VS CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamps) Traditional light bulbs VS CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamps): 1.Economic benefit. While… Read Full Story… 5 TIPS FOR MORE SUSTAINABLE GARDEN Uncategorized 5 TIPS FOR MORE SUSTAINABLE GARDEN Our ideas for your sustainable future! Soil Testing There are soil test kits on… Read Full Story… Urban green spaces and their benefits Uncategorized Urban green spaces and their benefits In land-use planning, urban green space is open-space areas reserved for parks and other… Read Full Story… Natural resources and their Types Uncategorized Natural resources and their Types Natural resources are the raw materials and sources of energy that we use. Petrol,… Read Full Story… What is the basis of sustainability? Uncategorized What is the basis of sustainability? The concept of sustainability is composed of three pillars: environmental, social and economic—also known… Read Full Story…



5 TIPS FOR MORE SUSTAINABLE GARDEN Our ideas for your sustainable future! Soil Testing There are soil test kits on the market that are simple and easy to use which won’t break your budget. To get one, either head online or go to your local nursery. You’ll quickly find out if your soil has a high alkaline content or is too acidic. That way, you can add your fertilizer and compost to adjust your pH. Use Less Water Because water is restricted in areas where it is scarce, you need to plant a garden that requires less water in order to be sustainable. A method of landscaping and gardening called xeriscaping includes the use of drought-tolerant perennials and shrubs. You can also place a rain barrel at the base of your downspouts to collect rain to use in your garden. Cultivate Your Food Many people find satisfaction in growing their own delicious herbs, vegetables, and fruits. This is a major part of the lifestyle if you want to live in a sustainable manner. Plant with the seasons and plant intensively. Keep in mind that the hot temperatures of summer are too harsh for spring crops such as lettuce and greens. Once the lettuce and greens are done, use backspace to plant peppers, tomatoes, and other hot weather crops. Cool-weather crops can be sown again once autumn arrives. The same area of your garden can deliver three seasons’ worth of food. According to South West Greenhouses, the average family could save hundreds of dollars a year through methods like this. So, it’s not just green, it’s also budget-friendly. Compost Use When you compost your green waste, you are on your way to a sustainable garden that you’ll truly enjoy. By using a compost pile, you can turn dried leaves, deadheaded flowers, and grass clippings into nutrient-rich soil. Managing Weeds Planting small shrubs or ground covers will shade the soil from sunlight. This will reduce the growth of weeds. Mulching the ground with stones and wood chips also has a similar effect. Larger areas should be covered with black plastic sheets. Even though the weeds may germinate, they will eventually die because there is no sunlight. Covering with the plastic sheet for two weeks is enough to kill the weeds. All Uncategorized Traditional light bulbs VS CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamps) Uncategorized Traditional light bulbs VS CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamps) Traditional light bulbs VS CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamps): 1.Economic benefit. While… Read Full Story… 5 TIPS FOR MORE SUSTAINABLE GARDEN Uncategorized 5 TIPS FOR MORE SUSTAINABLE GARDEN Our ideas for your sustainable future! Soil Testing There are soil test kits on… Read Full Story… Urban green spaces and their benefits Uncategorized Urban green spaces and their benefits In land-use planning, urban green space is open-space areas reserved for parks and other… Read Full Story… Natural resources and their Types Uncategorized Natural resources and their Types Natural resources are the raw materials and sources of energy that we use. Petrol,… Read Full Story… What is the basis of sustainability? Uncategorized What is the basis of sustainability? The concept of sustainability is composed of three pillars: environmental, social and economic—also known… Read Full Story…

What is the basis of sustainability?

What is the basis of sustainability? The concept of sustainability is composed of three pillars: environmental, social and economic—also known informally as profits, planet, and people. Environmental protection. It is concerned with the reduction of carbon footprints, water usage, non-decomposable packaging, and wasteful processes as part of a supply chain. Social development. It is about ensuring responsible, ethical and fair treatment of employees, stakeholders and the society in which the company operates. This can be achieved through better maternity and paternity benefits, flexible hours, training and development opportunities et cetera Economic development. The challenge with this form of sustainability is achieving equilibrium. Rather than making money at any cost, companies should attempt to generate profit in accordance with other elements of sustainability.   All Uncategorized Traditional light bulbs VS CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamps) Uncategorized Traditional light bulbs VS CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamps) Traditional light bulbs VS CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamps): 1.Economic benefit. While… Read Full Story… 5 TIPS FOR MORE SUSTAINABLE GARDEN Uncategorized 5 TIPS FOR MORE SUSTAINABLE GARDEN Our ideas for your sustainable future! Soil Testing There are soil test kits… Read Full Story… Urban green spaces and their benefits Uncategorized Urban green spaces and their benefits In land-use planning, urban green space is open-space areas reserved for parks and other… Read Full Story… Natural resources and their Types Uncategorized Natural resources and their Types Natural resources are the raw materials and sources of energy that we use. Petrol,… Read Full Story… What is the basis of sustainability? Uncategorized What is the basis of sustainability? The concept of sustainability is composed of three pillars: environmental, social and economic—also known… Read Full Story…